The ISL library was built in 1965, with its latest transference into the comprehensive office building completed in early 2004. The library now has one stack room and one reading room, taking an area of about 700 square meters. The library has 100,000 books in stock. Also, it is maintaining 11 ISL-subscribed electronic literature databases, along with 80 electronic databases which are accessible though the National Scientific Digital Library (NSDL) service platform. These affluent resources enable the library to be a unique information base in salt lake and related fields.


Currently, the library service is rendered by six professional personnel from the institute.


Elsevier ScienceDirect(SDOS)





RSC Online Journals

ISI Web of Knowledge

ACS Journals



Science Links Japan

Defence Information system, DEIS

NSTL subscribed fulltext databases

Encyclopdia Britannica Online

Nature (1987-1996)

The Royal Society Online Journals

INFORMS Online Journals

Open J-Gate

Ecological Society of America Journals Online

NRC Online Journals

Maney Publishing Online Journals

CSHL Online Journals

Central European Science Journals

CSA Database(for ISL IP addresses only)

Landolt-Bornstein Online

Ei Compendex Web

ProQuest (PQDD)

Springer Ebooks


Apabi Digital Library

CNKI Database (For ISL IP addresses only)

Wiley InterScience (Limited use in the electronic reading room)

VIP Chinese Science Journals

Oxford Journals (OUP)(Limited use in the electronic reading room)

GeoBase(GeoBase on EV2)(Limited use in the electronic reading room)

