
Publication of "Patent Navigation for Salt Lake Chemical Industry"


Recently, the book "Patent Navigation for the Salt Lake Chemical Industry" compiled by the IP specialist team of ISL was published by the Intellectual Property Publishing House.

The book searches the main resources in the salt lake, including related patents of potassium, lithium, boron, and magnesium, analyzes the technical characteristics of China's salt lake resource development from the perspective of patent technology, and predicts and predicts the future development. In addition, this book puts forward suggestions on the development and utilization of salt lake resources, and provides data support for the follow-up technical development of salt lake enterprises in my country.


ISL initiated the research of this work in 2018, and participated in the compilation in cooperation with Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Wuhan Literature Information Center, and Jiangsu Patent Information Service Center.


