
The first meeting of the first Council of the Engineering Laboratory for green development of Salt Lake and Salt resources of CAS was held


On December 3, the first meeting of the first Council of the Engineering Laboratory for green development of Salt Lake and Salt resources of CAS (hereinafter referred to as "Engineering Laboratory") was held in Xining. Zhao Qianjun, deputy director of science and technology promotion and Development Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhou junxu, director of comprehensive department; Zhai Jinliang, director of resources and environment department; Zhao Tao, deputy director of resources and environment department; Jiang Wenqi, business director of comprehensive department, attended the meeting by video. Academician Lai Yuanming, President of Northwest Institute of ecological environment and resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wu Zhijian, vice president of Northwest Institute of ecological environment and resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wang Yongyan, party secretary and deputy director of ISL; Qiao Hongzhi, former deputy director of Qinghai Provincial Department of industry and information technology; Zhou Weixing, former deputy director of Qinghai science and Technology Department; and general manager of Qinghai jinkunlun Lithium Industry Co., Ltd Pang Quanshi, manager, Ren Xiaohua, chief geologist of tibet everest Resources Co., Ltd., Chen Tong, general manager of Jiangsu aitek flame retardant materials Co., Ltd., Li Jian, deputy general manager of Qinghai Dongtai jinaer lithium resources Co., Ltd., and Li Lijuan, professor of ISL, attended the meeting. Relevant personnel from scientific research and management departments of engineering laboratories attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Wang Yongyan read out the reply of the science and technology promotion and Development Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the members of the first board of directors of the engineering laboratory. Lai Yuanming was the chairman of the first board of directors of the engineering laboratory, and awarded the appointment letter to the members of the board. Lai Yuanming and Wu Zhijian jointly inaugurated the engineering laboratory.

The Council discussed and adopted the regulations of the engineering laboratory, deliberated and approved Li Lijuan as the director of the engineering laboratory, and listened to Li Lijuan's introduction on the background and importance of the establishment of the engineering laboratory, the establishment purpose, the construction plan, the annual implementation plan and the main research progress in 2020. The directors of the meeting held a heated discussion on the orientation of Engineering Laboratory, achievement output and industrialization, personnel training, organizational structure and operation mechanism, and all expressed that they would give full play to their respective advantages and support the construction of engineering laboratories.

    Lai Yuanming said that salt lake and salt resources are China's strategic resources with comprehensive advantages in the world, which are related to China's food and energy security. The establishment of the engineering laboratory provides an important innovation platform for the implementation of the 13th five-year development plan of the Northwest Institute of engineering. ISL should make full use of this platform, face the main battlefield of national economy, and further improve the development of salt lake and salt resources in China. In order to better serve the national development strategy and local economic development, we should strengthen the training and introduction of talents, optimize the construction of talent team, and realize the sustainable development of engineering laboratory.

Zhao Qianjun said that the three-year goal of the engineering laboratory should aim at the national technology innovation center, integrate and improve the existing research foundation, establish a long-term goal, take the cultivation and introduction of talents as the top priority of the long-term development plan of the engineering laboratory, and strive to build the Engineering Laboratory for comprehensive utilization of salt lake salt resources into an excellent engineering laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    Wu Zhijian reviewed the establishment background and preparation process of the engineering laboratory, and said in his concluding speech that the valuable suggestions of the directors laid a solid foundation for the construction of high-quality engineering laboratory, and hoped to support the related work of engineering laboratory as always in the future



Wang Yongyan reads the board's approval

 Speech by Director Wu Zhijian

The opening ceremony

