
Training Course on "Salt Mineral Analysis and Identification" organized by ISL


From October 23 to 25, with the support of the Personnel Bureau of CAS, the Salt Lake Geology and Environment Laboratory of ISL held a 3-day "salt mineral analysis and identification training course". More than 30 employees and students, mainly from ISL, participated in the training. The training course was hosted by Professor Zhang Xiying. The training teachers mainly included Professor Zhang Xiying, Associate Professor Miao Weiliang, and retired professor Gao Zhanghong.

This training mainly includes three aspects: First, Professor Zhang Xiying gave lessons on "Basic Knowledge of Salt Mineral Identification" and "Salt Mineral Identification and Analysis Methods". Through these two lessons, he comprehensively introduced salt minerals and related knowledge. Secondly, Professor Gao Zhanghong guided the students to carry out the practical operation of salt minerals under the microscope, and enhanced the students' practical ability of microscope identification through on-site teaching. Finally, Associate Professor Miao Weiliang explained the knowledge related to the field practice of salt minerals through samples and cores through salt lake geology and environmental science popularization bases, and consolidated the theoretical knowledge learned through simple scientific experiments.

After the training, the trainees said that they had learned a lot from the training and increased their interest in exploring the mysteries of the salt lake. Professor Zhang Xiying encouraged the trainees to write training experience and deepen their thinking on the scientific issues of salt minerals.


Professor Zhang Xiying introduced the basic knowledge of salt mineral identification


Gao Zhanghong introduced the basic requirements and skills of microscope operation to the students



 Miao Weiliang instructed students to carry out experimental operations of salt mineral identification









