
The "annual output of 10,000 tons of salt lake battery-grade lithium carbonate project" (Hongguang Special Project) has been approved the stage target evaluation


On October 25, The "annual output of 10,000 tons of salt lake battery-grade lithium carbonate project" (Hongguang Special Project), which is undertaken by Qinghai Salt Lake, has been approved by the Science and Technology Promotion and Development Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Golmud, Qinghai Province.

Zhao Qianjun, the deputy director of the Science and Technology Promotion and Development Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wu Zhijian, the deputy Director of ISL, Wang Yongyan, the deputy director of ISL, Wang Hong, the general manager of Qinghai Dongtai Jinnar Lithium Resources Co., Ltd, Li Jian, the chief engineer of Qinghai Dongtai Jinnar Lithium Resources Co., Ltd, and the representatives of the the Frontier Science and Education Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Conditional Protection and Finance Bureau, the Development Planning Bureau, the Science Communication Bureau, Qinghai Provincial Economic and Information Commission, and Science and Technology Bureau of Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, attended the assessment meeting. The meeting was presided over by Jin Jinliang, the director of the Resource and Environment Division of the Science and Technology Promotion and Development Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The assessment team has inspected the Yantian and production workshops of Qinghai Dongtai Jiiner Lithium Resources Co., Ltd, and learned about the production and project implementation from the aspects of raw material mining, salt field processing, separation and extraction, and deep processing. After listening to the project team's work report, the experts fully agreed and passed the project phase assessment after full discussion and inquiry. The expert group believed that the main content of lithium carbonate products obtained from trial production of the project reached 99.6%, and the project was completed the phased work objectives and tasks required by the mission book.


The assessment team visited the salt pan


The assessment team review production workshop 


The evaluation meeting site


The members of the Hongguang Special Project of ISL  



