
The "Boron Magnesium Fertilizer" National Standards Technical Exchange Conference ended successfully


On August 2nd, the "Boron Magnesium Fertilizer" National Standards Technical Exchange Conference was successfully held in Xining, Qinghai. The meeting was hosted by ISL, chaired by Deputy Director Wang Yongzhen, and Mr. Shang Zhaocong, the National Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Standardization Technical Committee participated.

As one of the new medium and trace element fertilizers, boron-magnesium fertilizer can provide nutrients such as boron and magnesium for crops, and plays an important role in improving crop yield and improving crop quality. The national standard of "Boron Magnesium Fertilizer" was officially implemented in 2013 and was officially implemented in 2018. The standard was jointly drafted and completed by Yingkou Lingmei Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Qinghai Salt Lake Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry and Shanghai Tianke Chemical Testing Co., Ltd. In order to expand the scope of its standards, enhance the influence of drafting units, and promote the healthy development of the boron-magnesium fertilizer industry, this technical exchange meeting was held.


The meeting scene 

National Standard Text for Boron and Magnesium Fertilizers


Professor Wu Zhijian made a report






