
ISL has built the only salt lake resource environment information database with the largest amount of data in China


On July 9th, with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Technology Basic Project, the China Salt Lake Resources and Environmental Science Database, completed by ISL, has officially passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Science and Technology, which is marking the official completion of the basic data sharing system for salt lake resources and environmental science in China.

The China Salt Lake Resources and Environmental Science Database contains six sub-libraries: the Salt Lake Basic Information Database, the Salt Lake Resource Database, the Salt Lake Environmental Database, the Salt Lake Resource Development Status Database, the Salt Lake Image Database, and the Salt Lake Multimedia Database. It contains basic information data of nearly 1000 salt lakes in China based on field field surveys and multi-source data integration, the number, area, meteorology of salt lake, and landsat satellite imagery of salt lake distribution area, current status of salt lake area, salt lake water volume, salt lake type, salt lake resource type, salt lake brine chemical data set, salt lake brine phase chemical data set, salt lake intercrystalline brine Hydrogeological dataset, salt lake solid salt resource dataset, salt lake multimedia dataset in 1977-2013. It also contains a total of 12 categories of data such as the socio-economic data set of the Salt Lake distribution area in 2013 and the high-resolution image dataset. And the data volume is about 570 G.







