
ISL held An Honorary Professor Appointment Ceremony held


On June 20th, ISL hosted an honorary professor appointment ceremony of Professor David B. Madsen, an internationally renowned geomorphologist, to express respect for Professor Madsen because of his outstanding contributions to the research capabilities of ISL young researchers and his development in the direction of Quaternary geomorphology.
David B. Madsen graduated from the Department of Geology at the University of Utah, the master's degree from the University of Utah and a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. He has taught at the American Desert Research Institute, the University of Utah, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Texas. He was also an external professor at Lanzhou University and a visiting professor at the Ningxia Archaeological Institute. Professor Madsen has been engaged in geomorphology and archaeological research for a lifetime. He has edited 19 academic books, published more than 150 international academic papers, and has hosted many National Natural Science Foundations, Ministry of Defense Basic Science Research Project and Utah State research projects, etc. Since 2003, Professor Madsen has had project cooperation or paper cooperation with Professor Ma Haizhou, Professor Lai Zhongping and some young researchers in ISL.
Professor Wang Jianping, the director of the Salt Lake Geology and Environment Laboratory, presided over the professor's appointment ceremony and delivered an opening speech. Professor Ma Haizhou presented the honorary professor's letter of appointment to Professor David B. Madsen. And Professor David B. Madsen gave his personal speech and thanked ISl for giving this honor. He especially thanked the geoscientists for their selfless help and support in the field work for more than 10 years. Finally, Professor David B. Madsen made an academic report " Luminescence Dating of the Earliest Well-Documented Site in North America " and gave detailed answers to questions raised by teachers and students. Professor David B. Madsen said that he will continue to maintain scientific research cooperation and exchange relations with ISL in the future.

Professor Ma Haizhou awarded the honorary professor's letter of appointment to Professor David B. Madsen


 Professor David B. Madsen gave an academic report





