
Delegation of the Mining Secretariat of the Salta Provincial Government of Argentina visited ISL


On April 22nd, Daniel Ricardo Blasco, Secretary of the Mining Secretariat of Salta Provincial Government of Argentina, Tay Ana Such, Director of Mining Investment Project Development and Analysis of the Argentine Government Mining Policy Secretariat, and Wang Xibing, President of Tibet Everest Resources Co., Ltd. visited ISL.

Daniel Ricardo Blasco and others visited the Chemical Analysis and Testing Center of ISL and the Salt Lake Science and Technology Exhibition Hall, and learned about the history of Qinghai Salt Lake, the related scientific research work and the achievements. Then, an exchange forum was held, chaired by Wu Zhijian, deputy director. Wu Zhijian welcomed the visit of Daniel Ricardo Blasco and Wang Xibing. Daniel Ricardo Blasco introduced the government functions of the Argentine Mining Secretariat and the development status of the salt lakes in Argentina, and explained the approval process, specifications and precautions for the domestic projects in Argentina. Finally, Wang Xibing said that he hopes that the Argentine project will receive the technical support of the Argentine government and the technical support of ISL, and work together to establish a good cooperative relationship and achieve multi-win.


 Visited the Chemical Analysis and Testing Department 


 Visited the Salt Lake Science and Technology Exhibition Hall


At the meeting


