
ISL held Intellectual property training course



On December 27th, ISL held an intellectual property seminar and invited Zhang Jiaxiang, deputy director of the Intellectual Property Office of Qinghai Province, to make a report. The lecture was chaired by Deputy Director Wang Yongyan.

Zhang Jiaxiang gave a report entitled “Quality of Patents from the Review Process” based on his own review experience over the past decade, and explained in depth the main responsibilities of the Patent Reexamination Board, the process of review procedures, the characteristics of the review procedures, and the novelty, creativity, full disclosure of the three aspects described the patent application in detail.

The interaction between the lectures is frequent and the atmosphere is warm. The participating teachers interacted with experts on issues such as patent examination and rejection, and had practical guidance on improving the patent licensing rate and the conversion rate of achievements in the ISL


Wang Yongyan presided over the meeting 


Zhang Jiaxiang gave a report



Conference site.















