
A paper published by Salt Lake Geology and Environment of ISL were selected for publication in the past two years high cited papers



Liu Xiangjun, an associate research fellow at Salt Lake Geology and Environment of ISL, published “Last deglacial and Holocene lake level variations of Qinghai Lake, north-eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau” in the Journal of Quaternary Science(an international SCI journal), which was selected TOP 5 cited papers in the journal from 2015-2017. The publishing house congratulated the researchers by an e-mail and stated that the paper will be open sourced for free download by all. In this paper, the lake bank embankment deposits around Qinghai Lake were measured by the photoluminescence dating method, and combined with previous research results obtained through the lake core drilling research, the history of the lake water level fluctuation in Qinghai Lake over the past 18,000 years was reconstructed . The paper was cited 32 times as of December 2017 (data from Google Scholar).

The JQS journal is a academic journal organized by the Quaternary Research Association in the UK. Its influence factor in 2017 was 2.46. The impact factor ranks 60th among 188 SCI periodicals in the earth sciences and is the international mainstream of Quaternary research. Academic journals.




2015-2017 Papers Highly Cited Ranked in JQS Journal.















