
2017 Chinese Silicate Society of Solid-State Ionics branch of the board meeting and the fourth Fourth National Solid Ion Science Youth Symposium was held in ISL.



On July 21-25, 2017 Chinese Silicate Society of Solid-State Ionics branch of the board meeting and the fourth Fourth National Solid Ion Science Youth Symposium was held in Xining,Qinahai. The conference is sponsored by Solid State Ion Branch of China Silicate Society, undertaken by Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qinghai Science and Technology Association, Qinghai Chemical Society, Qinghai Salt Lake Chemical Resources Key Laboratory, Lanzhou University of Technology, Qinghai Province, low-temperature lithium-ion battery engineering technology research center. The theme of the conference is "the theme of solid-state ionics and new energy", focusing on young academic exchanges, emphasizing forward-looking exploration, in the light of current research trends and achievements in the field of solid-state iontics, promoting the development of disciplines and innovation in science and technology Industry development in this area offer advice, offer advice, guide wisdom, efforts to promote China's solid-state ion science and new energy industries and technological progress. More than 200 experts and scholars from various research institutes, universities and enterprises in China participated in the conference..

On the morning of July 22, the opening ceremony of the conference was held in the academic lecture hall of ISL. The meeting was presided over by Professor Zhou Yuan. Wu Zhijian, the Deputy Director of ISL and the Chairman of Qinghai Chemical Society, gave a welcome speech. Prof. Ai Xinping from Wuhan University, Prof. Zhong Zhongliang from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Tang Weiping from Shanghai Aerospace Power Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation gave special reports on "Key Technical Issues in the Development of Power Batteries", "Research Progress and Development Trends of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" and "Special Report on Recovery of Lithium Resources from Salt Lakes and Progress of All-Solid-State Thin-Film Lithium Batteries", respectively.

The symposium held a total of 81 abstracts. The conference conducted oral reports on 39 sessions in two sub-venues and conducted 40 posters to showcase exchanges. The topics covered lithium-sodium batteries, supercapacitors , Fuel (metal-air) batteries / sensors and other related materials, chemistry and other current solid-state ion science and technology hot spots for the majority of young experts and scholars in the field of solid-state ion exchange in-depth exchanges and learning platform. After careful review by the Council, a total of eight young scholars oral report and seven outstanding poster won the conference to establish the "Xinwei Outstanding Thesis Award.".



The opening ceremony


The leaders gave speeches.

On meeting venue

Poster display

Product display and exchange

Meeting photo









