
Professor Lin Yang of Qinghai Normal University was invited to give a academic report


On the afternoon of January 12th, at the invitation of ISL and Qinghai Chemical Society, Professor Yang Lin of Qinghai Normal University came to ISL for a academic report. The meeting was presided over by researcher Li Wu.

At the meeting, Professor Yang gave a lecture entitled "The Application of Chemometrics in Salt Lake Research". The report introduced the necessity and importance of stoichiometry in salt lake research. Combining with the characteristics of salt lake research, he elaborated on the complex system modeling, adsorption kinetics, experimental optimization design and so on. Professor Yang pointed out that the separation and extraction of salt resources and deep processing is a very complex scientific issues, which involved long test cycles, multiple test data, and slow analysis of the speed, and needed to use chemometrics methods for qualitative, quantitative analysis and simultaneous determination of multiple elements. Then, Professor Yang introduced the application of chemometrics, orthogonal experiment and response surface experiment with the help of salt lake adsorption kinetics, and demonstrated the concrete application of MATLAB and Design Expert.

After the end of the report, Professor Yang and the researchers conducted a heated discussion and exchange, and he gave a detailed answer to the questions.





On the meeting  

