
The Ministry of science and technology foundation special program "China Saline Lake resources change survey" completed the Hoh Xil salt lakes field survey sampling work


In mid November 2016, the national basic science and technology work program "China salt lake resources change survey" which hosted by Qinghai institute of Salt Lakes, completed the Hoh Xil salt lakes field investigation. During the field work, project leader research fellow Ma Haizhou led Li Tingwei, Ling Zhiyong, Chen Liang and other members of the research group, in conjunction with the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve administration staff in Maying Pui, Yuan Guangming, focus on the regional geological landform survey, chemical properties of brine, salt lake resources and other field and water sampling work, the investigating salt lake include the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve salt lake, Xijinwulan lake, Lexiewudan lake and other typical salt lakes.

According to the results of field investigation, compared with the past, there is a clear lake expansion and water desalination phenomenon in the Hoh Xil salt lakes. This phenomenon is preliminarily considered as a result of the supply of mountain glaciers in the basin and the thawing of the permafrost around the lake. For example, Xijinwulan lake history was independent of water bodies, and now have been connected to a larger lake which 70 km length from east to west; the salinity of the lake water measured in the field is much lower than that of previous studies of Lexiewudan lake.

This field investigation of Hoh Xil salt lakes lasted nearly one weeks, travel nearly 2000 km in the reserves, during the period, the typical salt lakes in the region were investigated and sampled, photo shooting, video recording. This field investigation of Hoh Xil salt lakes continue to develop the spirit such as work hard and perseveringly, be fearless of danger and difficulty, unity and cooperation, and even to overcome some difficulties like travel in desert plateau, mountain river area that without road, also to overcome the extreme cold, wind and dust and other harsh plateau climate environment. On the premise that the traffic is extremely difficult, finally successfully completed the Hoh Xil area field work of salt lakes.

This field investigation laid the foundation for the in-depth understanding of the latest changes in the dynamics of the salt lakes in the Hoh Xil area, the evolution of the surrounding environment and other aspects of salt lakes. With the end of the field investigation of the Hoh Xil salt lakes, means that the field investigation of the most difficult and adverse circumstances "four unmanned area" involved in the project has been completed





The studied route of the protected area



 Determination and recording of water chemical properties


Scientific staff photo in Hoh Xil .  

