
The delegation of Weifang Science and Technology Bureau visited ISL


September 28, the delegation of Weifang Science and Technology Bureau(WSTB) visited ISL, and carried out scientific and technological cooperation docking negotiations.

Firstly, the delegates visited the chemical analysis and test center and the science and technology exhibition hall. They learned in detail about the equipment configuration and its combination with the industrialization of the salt lake resource development and high value materials research in Qinghai Salt Lake. And then they made a communication discussion with related scientific researcher of ISL.

Zhijian Wu, deputy director of ISL, hosted the communication discussion symposium. Wu expressed a warm welcome to the delegation. And Wu focuses on the progress of scientific research from the aspects of lithium resources development and utilization, the deep development of potassium resources, the characteristics of magnesium resources and the use of high value, the application of related mineral resources and the exploration and sustainable development of salt lake resources. Hongyan Zhang, the deputy director of WSTB, introduced the overall work of WSTB from Weifang City regional location, resource composition, industrial structure, production and research development model, scientific and technological innovation, etc. Finally, Wu suggested that the two sides to establish information communication mechanism, to In-depth cooperate in key areas to project as a breakthrough, to build a platform for cooperation in order to promote scientific and technological achievements in Weifang floor conversion.





Zhijian u welcome to Weifang Science and Technology Bureau's visit






 Hongyan Zhang brief to ISL 

On the meeting .  

