
ISL held scientific and technical report writing training


September 7th, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes invited the director of the network center of Qinghai Institute of science and technology information Luo Yongkang, and teacher of Project Acceptance Center Li Zhicheng to the special training about science and technology report writing, submission and sharing, also project acceptance system using. This training is for the implementation of the Ministry of science and technology "on accelerating the establishment of the national science and technology report system guidance" and Qinghai provincial science and Technology Department, "on accelerating the establishment of the system of scientific and technical report on the implementation of the opinions". According to schedule, a unified provincial science and technology report submitted, collection, management, sharing system, the formation of a scientific, standardized and efficient scientific and technological report management model and operation mechanism will be build in 2020. This training aims to make the majority of researchers more in-depth understanding of science and technology report writing, science and technology reports submitted to the audit, the sharing and exchange of scientific and technological reports. Nearly 30 researchers and graduate students of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes participated in this training.

Mr. Li Zhicheng on the construction of the national science and technology reporting system, combined with the specific case, to write technical reports submitted to the review process, requirements, methods and content sharing undertook detailed explanations and instructions for scientific research personnel. Director Luo Yongkang give a live demonstration and explanation on science and technology project management system in Qinghai Province for researchers.

This training give a thorough understanding of construction background, significance, writing methods and delivery process of science and technology report system for science and technology project administrators and science and undertakers of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, will improve the quality of science and technology report written in the future play a positive role in promoting, but also for the future better application and acceptance of the state and Qinghai province science and technology projects have laid a solid foundation.





Mr. Li gave a report.









Mr. Lou gave a report. 





