
The thirty-fourth Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society annual meeting and National Congress came to a successful end in Xining


September 10th, "The thirty-fourth China Mass Spectrometry Society annual meeting and national congress" grandly hold in Xining City, Qinghai province, which sponsored by the China Society of Mass Spectrometry, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other institutions. This meeting for a period of three days (September 10th-12), contains 22 invited report and 8 branch field (include bio molecular analysis, mass spectrometry, new method and new technology and equipment research and development group research, pharmaceutical analysis, inorganic and isotope mass spectrometry, sample pretreatment, biomedical), and set up a youth forum and academic poster presentation. 16 instrument manufacturers actively participated in this meeting and brought them the latest technology. More than 600 experts from around the country concerned about the progress of mass spectrometry technology experts, academics, research and testing personnel to participate in the meeting.

Deputy director of Wu Zhijian who presided over the work of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences at the meeting expressed welcome to the delegates, then introduced the Saline Lake resources and the present situation of Qinghai Saline Lake. This conference received more than 300 academic reports and papers, involving mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry technology and its application methods and so on. A lot of articles and reports show the latest international research results and standards. Mass spectrometry manufacturers have also brought their latest products and technologies, set up a number of vendors in the general assembly, the new technical exchange activities.

Chen Hongyuan, the new chairman of the Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society for the closing speech of the general assembly. This conference is very successful, and smooth curtain by the efforts of sponsors and all participants. Chairman summed up the meeting, and expressed his thanks for the sponsors and organizers of this conference, as well as to pay the hard work of the Secretary General Xie Mengxia. The chairman on behalf of the new board said the new council of China Mass Spectrometry will continue to serve as a good academic exchange of mass spectrometry technology and unity at all levels mass spectrometry research experts and scholars, to further enhance the level of China's mass, and sincerely hope that the efforts of the experts, we can achieve the mass spectrometry technology and the level of our country status, and called on everyone to work together for that goal. Thus, the thirty-fourth China Mass Spectrometry Society annual meeting and National Congress was successfully completed.



Reports during the forum. 




