
Professor Angang Hu visited ISL


August 8, Professor Angang Hu, the director National Institute of Tsinghua University, Yizhi Xiong, the deputy director of Qinghai Province Talent Resources office and other accompanying personnel visited ISL.

Firstly, Professor Hu visited the chemical analysis and test center, and investigated the sources of funds for large equipment purchase, the Instrument function and the daily usage. And He inquired the function development of instruments and the ability of social services.

Subsequently, he visited the chemical analysis and test center and science and technology exhibition hall, the director of science and technology department introduced the ISL from the history of the salt lake resources distribution, scientific research platform, talent and scientific and technological achievements, etc.

Finally, Professor Hu made a communication discussion with related scientific researcher of ISL. Yongyan, Wang, deputy director of ISL, hosted the communication discussion symposium. He introduced the potassium, magnesium, lithium resources comprehensive exploitation and utilization of the scientific research work. Professor Hu said he would pay attention to the problems about the transfer and industrialization of scientific research achievement, and he put out his suggestions and ideas about transformation of scientific and technological achievements to intellectual property value.





Professor Hu introducted the information







Professor Liang visited the exhibition hall . 





