
Professor Zhou Yuan was elected the Committee Members of the Ninth National Committee of China Association for Science and Technology


On May 30 to June 2, the national congress of China Association for Science and Technology was held in Beijing. Zhou Yuan, who is the director of Salt Lake Resources Chemistry Laboratory of ISL, the secretary-general of Qinghai Chemical Society and the standing committee member of Qinghai Jiu San Society, was elected gloriously the committee members of ninth national congress of China Association for Science and Technology.

The National Technology Innovation Conference, the conference of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the national congress of China Association for Science and Technology were held in the Great Hall of People on May 30. The 1323 delegates of all over the country attended the ninth national congress of China Association for Science and Technology, and 383 members were elected as the committee members of the ninth national congress of China Association for Science and Technology.

The 16 official representatives of Qinghai Province attended the ninth national congress of China Association for Science and Technology, and a special representative, were from the grassroots science and technology association, medical institutions, universities, technology companies, research institutes and other units. Among them, Shi Kunming, chairman of Qinghai Science and Technology Association, and Professor Zhou Yuan were elected the committee members of the ninth national congress of China Association for Science and Technology






 Professor Zhou Yuan on the meeting   




