
Qinghai Lithium Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance was founded in ISL


Qinghai Lithium Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance was founded, and technology symposium was held in ISL on Sep 18. Yuan Xie and Chaoyuan Zhang, vice director and director of Qinghai Science & Technology Department, Yingming Wang, vice director of Qinghai Province of Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision and other representatives and experts attended the meeting.

First, Dongping Duan, deputy director of ISL introduced the founding background and preparatory work of the alliance. Then Chaoyuan Zhang announced the foundation document of the alliance. Chaoyuan Zhang and Yingming Wang jointly inaugurated the alliance. The meeting passed the constitution of the alliance, established the first council and committee constituted by twenty experts. The meeting also elected honorary president, president, vice president, chairman, vice chairman, secretary-general and vice secretary-general. Dongping Duan was elected as the first president of the alliance. The meeting announced the alliance’s emblem and introduced its implication. The secretariat was set up in ISL. Finally, the alliance’s honorary president Yuan Xie proposed the next working thought.

During the meeting experts also had a technology exchange about exploit status and development tendency of lithium resource in Qarhan Salt Lake, process on extraction of high purity lithium chloride by extraction method, exploit and application of lithium electric materials in Qinghai province and outlines of 13th Five Year plan on lithium industry of Qinghai province.
