
Lithium Branch of China Inorganic Salts Industry Association was established in ISL


July 7, Lithium Branch of China Inorganic Salts Industry Association (LBCISIA) was established in ISL and held the General Assembly, the Council Meeting and the Experts’ Advisory Committee Meeting for the first time. Pengsheng Song, former Deputy Director of Qinghai People's Congress, Mingyu Wu, President of China Inorganic Salt Industry Association (CISIA), Yuan Xie, Director of Qinghai Science and Technology Agency, and more than 100 experts attended the meeting. The meeting was presided by Xiaofeng Wang, the Secretary-General of CISIA.

First, Dongping Duan reported the preparatory work done by the lithium salt segment preparatory group. Then, Yuan Xie gave his blessing and future work guidance. Mingyu Wu declared the formation and the service rules of LBCISIA.

The General Assembly elected the President, Vice President and the Secretary-General of the branch and adopted the list of general counsel, experts’ advisory committee and the deputy secretary-general. Dongping Duan was elected as the first president. He made a statement, published the emblem of the branch and gave the interpretation of the emblem. The site of the branch is also opened. Finally, Mingyu Wu made a concluding speech and Nanping Li, CEO of Haimen Ronghui General Lithium Co. Ltd, gave a report entitled “the Review of Lithium Resources, Market and Technical Conditions”. After the meeting, the first conference of the Experts’ Advisory Committee was also held.



Wu read the approval document.




Xie gave a speech in the meeting. 

Duan reported the preparation 

Wu and Song together for the unveiling of Lithium Branch of China Inorganic Salts Industry Association 
