
The 50th anniversary of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes was held


July 8, accompanying the national anthem, the 50th anniversary of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes was held in the Report Hall.

Ma Peihua, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of China National Democratic Construction Association; Hao Peng, vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Governor of Qinghai Province; Kuang Chong, vice Governor of Qinghai Province; Li Yongwu, chairman of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation; Zhu Qingshi, Academic Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zheng Mianping, Academician of China Engineering Academy and so on were invited to attend this anniversary.

Ma Peihua made an important speech. He pointed out that the new mission of ISL is constantly developing innovative technology and doing well in industrialization. In the future, ISL must adhere to the main aspect of comprehensive utilization of salt lake resources, focus on the new advanced materials.

He also reviewed the development of ISL and praised the elder generation for the contribution they have done to ISL. He mentioned the great achievements and the technological innovation since the “Seventh Five Years Planning” including the world's first industrialize project named “Lithium Extraction and Comprehensive Utilization of Salt Lake Resources”.

Finally, Ma Peihua gave his best wishes to ISL and asked for us making efforts to build ISL a better institute.

Then, Kuang Chong, Li Yongwu and Wang Tao made speeches respectively. They all praised the achievements which have done by ISL and hoped ISL achieves more rewards in the future. ISL makes a positive contribution for the development of Qinghai.

The anniversary was presided over by Hu Yanming, Secretary of the ISL’s Party Committee and deputy Director of ISL. He declared the guests’ name and the units being invited.

During the anniversary, ISL launched a new book named “Sixty Years Salt Lake Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences”, donated some patents, and gave a series of rewards. In the end, ISL held a ceremony for the statues of Zhang Pengxi and Gao Shiyang, both are the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Ma gave a speech in the anniversary. Photo/RCL



Kuang Yong gave a speech in the anniversary. Photo/RCL 

Ma and Hao together for the unveiling of the new book. Photo/RCL 

Unveiling for the statues of Zhang Pengxi and Gao Shiyang. Photo/RCL 
