
Lanzhou Center for Oil and Gas Resources, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS visited ISL


Lianjie Guo, executive deputy director of Lanzhou Center for Oil and Gas Resources, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS (LIGCAS) visited ISL on May 26. The two institute exchange opinions about salt lake resource development and industrialization, management mode and lab platform construction. Accompanied by Yanming Hu, party secretary of ISL, Lianjie Guo visited Salt Lake Analytical and Test Department, technology showroom and construction status of ISL.

The meeting was host by Dongping Duan, deputy director of ISL. Duan introduced the key technology breakthrough, industrialization and management mode of the comprehensive utilization of salt lake resource made by ISL. Guo gave a brief introduction about LIGCAS, status quo and research emphasis in the future. Guo hoped that they could learn the industrialization and management mode through this exchange, and expected that the two institutes could expand collaboration and follow the spirit of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation under the big background of “Belt and Road”.

During the meeting, researchers discussed oil, gas and salt geological research, exploration and development, and had a thorough exchange in the field of natural gas hydrate research. The two institutes also exchanged views on laboratory platform construction, personnel training and scientific research projects and reached a lot of consensus.
