
The Ninth Member’s Congress of the Geological Society of Qinghai was held in Xining


On Apr 24, the Ninth Member’s Congress of the Geological Society of Qinghai was held in Xining. As a unit member invited, Fengqing Han, director of the Salt Lake Geology and Environment Laboratory of ISL, attended the congress.

On the congress, Shengde Yang, Deputy Director of the Eighth Council, made a report about making contribution to the “358” Geological Prospecting Program and retrospected the works that have done based on the program. Zekun Sun, the Secretary-General of the Council made a report about the situation of the finance and declared about the amending of the rules. They also elected the directors, executive director, deputy directors of the Ninth Council and researcher Han was elected as the executive directors.

The Geological Society rewarded the excellent scientific papers “Hydrochemical Characteristics and Boron Isotope Geochemistry of Brine in Hoh Xil Qinghai Province” published by Ruying Ma and “Estimating the number of components in an OSL decay curve using the Bayesian Information Criterion” published by Jun Peng. They won the first and third respectively. 8 units including the ISL won the honorary title of Advanced Group.

Researcher Han introduced the advanced technology, equipments and the progress that had made by the Laboratory in recent years. This laid a good foundation for the future cooperation.
