
2015 Global Conference on Potassium will be held in Qinghai Golmud


In order to show technological development and achievements of Chinese potash and potash fertilizer industry, promote global potash and potash fertilizer technology, trade and industrial development, 2015 Global Conference on Potassium jointly hosted by Potash Branch of China National Inorganic Salts Industry Association, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISL), Golmud Municipal government and China International Trade Promotion Council of Chemical Industry Branch will be convened in Qinghai Golmud on July 9 ~ July 11, 2015.

China has become the world’s fourth largest potash fertilizer producer country after Canada, Russia and Belarus. Qarhan Salt Lake is the second largest salt lakes of the world, enriching more than 60 billion tons of soluble salt resources. Its potassium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and lithium chloride reserves account for 96.8%, 80%, 99.7% and 83.34% of Chinese potassium chloride, respectively. As the salt lake resources exploitation strength increasing, Golmud will develop from the Chinese “Salt Lake City” to the world “Salt Lake City” under the support of national policy, the district government and industry association in the future.

The conference’s slogan is “Focus on the World’s Industry Eyes, Build International Communication Platform”. The conference will design one theme forum and five sub forums. Top experts and scholars of potash industry from China and abroad will give theme lectures in the conference. The key issues include resent situation of the world potash fertilizer production and long-term development planning, prospects of global potash market, present situation and prospects of global potassium sulfate market and Chinese potassium sulfate development trend, Chinese potash sustainable pattern of supply and demand and outlook of long-term market, present situation and development prediction of Chinese agricultural potash demand and development and production status quo and the future of Chinese potassium chloride and so on.

During the conference, we will usher the 50 anniversary of the founding of ISL. So the conference will also propagandize the only professional institution of China work on salt lake research and more than 60 years achievements of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the field of salt lakes in the meeting. ISL will launch a monograph “Sixty Years Salt Lake research of Chinese Academy of Sciences”. And Chinese Academy of Sciences will also exhibit Chinese more than 60 years important achievements of salt lakes. The conference will be an international event of potassium fertilizer industry. Warmly welcome domestic and foreign relevant people attend!
