
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology Zhigang Wang Visits ISL


Zhigang Wang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, paid a visit to the ISL accompanied with Qinghai’s vice-governor Yong Kuang.

Vice Minister Wang attended the general membership meeting during the visit. Dongping Duan, the Deputy Director of ISL introduced the development and the main research work of ISL, reported somes remarkable achievements the Institute have made in recent years and showed the major projects established according to the “One-Three-Five” Strategic Planning.

Then, Zhigang Wang and Yong Kuang, accompanied by Dongping Duan and Yanming Hu, Secretary of the Party Committee of ISL, visited the Technology Showsroom and had a communication with researchers about the progress of some developing research projects. During the visit, Zhigang Wang confirmed the great achievements that ISL have contributed to the economy development of Qinghai province and did well in the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. He also wished the institute based on the characteristics of the salt lake resources continue innovation and be an important driving force of the district’s economy development.
