
Key deployment program of CAS “several strategic elements extracting in salt lake brine” made stage progress


A progress report of key deployment program of CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) “several strategic elements extracting in salt lake brine” undertook by ISL (Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences), SIOC (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences), SARI (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences), IPE (Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences) was given at ISL on Jun 11.

Bowei Dai and Jingdong He, deputy director and deputy division chief of Bureau of Major R&D Programs Chinese Academy of Sciences et al. attended this meeting which was host by researcher Dongping Duan. Sub-project leaders researcher Lijuan Li, Tao He, Changquan Qiu and Kun Huang introduced progress, problems and next plans,respectively.

This subject was first batch projects deployed by CAS in December of 2013. Sub-project “extracting technology and demonstration project of one kiloton high purity LiCl and H3BO3 from salt lake brine” has finished investment and built incorporation. Production line will be constructed in 2014. This production line will guarantee 99.99% LiCl and first-grade H3BO3 for Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS “Thorium-based molten salt nuclear reactors”.
