
ISL Postgraduate Student Win Award in National Meeting


On Mar 28 to 30, the 14th Chinese Thermoluminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Symposium was hold at University of Science and Technology of China. This meeting is held every two years. More than 140 relative scholars through the nationwide attend the meeting, including Australian National University, Hong Kong University, Beijing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, institutes of CAS and government ministry offices. Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake is one of the executive units.

Thermoluminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating latest methods and replied research were introduced in the meeting report. Professor Rainer Grun, the editor in chief of Quaternary Geochronology which enjoyed the international reputation of dating in LED, was invited to attend this meeting. He has been invited to visit ISL twice. This meeting seta first prize and two second prizes. A lecture when did prehistoric human beings migrate to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was given by ISL doctor student Sun Yongjuan who got the meetings’ second prize. In her report, a new conclusion that Prehistoric human activity was occurred around 15 thousand years ago was made, which was of significance to environmental changes in Qinghai Tibet Plateau and research on the evolution of the saline lake.

During the meeting, a keynote report titled Geomorphic evolution of Qaidam Basin, from the perspective of chronology was given by ISL researcher, Doctor Lai. He held a branch meeting. A report the research on Pedogenic loess Optical dating on optically stimulated luminescence of native pasture on the Northeast of Qinghai Tibet Plateau was given by Lu Baoliang;
