
Vice-president of CAS Zhan Wenlong Investigated ISL


In the morning of October 15th, Zhan Wenlong, the vice-President of Chinese Academy of Science, the five of them arrive and investigate ISL. They get to know the project process in temperature phase change material engineering application research.

The deputy director, Duan Dongping, who presides the work of ISL, welcomes the group of five warmly and acknowledges his expression of grateful for the support from CAS. He introduces the relevant background on temperature phase change material engineering application research. Zhan Wenlong expresses his tremendous concern to the scientific goal and meaning of the temperature phase change material engineering application research. He notes that via this investigational meeting, the actual progress of these two programs could be known and the difficulty could be solved through deliberating. It is the success made in the program of temperature phase change material engineering application research that he firstly affirms. He points out that the sense of responsibility and mission in a research team should be enhanced, experience on engineering development process should be concluded. To comprehensively promoting the industrialized extension of research results, a solid foundation for engineering research should be performed well, he says.

The Party secretary in Lanzhou branch of CAS, Xie Ming, and the vice-President of CAS, Yang Shengrong, also attend the meeting, the Party secretary of ISL Hu Yanming and the deputy director Wang Yongyan and Lai Zhongping escort them.


Zhan Wenlong expressed concern to research progress of ISL. Photo/RCL


Duan Dongping introduce research progress on temperature phase change materials. Photo/RCL 
