
ISL Won the Second Award for Science and Technology Progress of Qinghai Province


On April 18, 2013, provincial science and technology awarding meeting was held in the province meeting center. The outstanding scientific and technical workers were awarded for their contribution to the science and technology development of Qinghai province during 2012. The project named ”Comprehensive utilization of the pile up of zinc smelter waste residue” which was undertaken by ISL ,Qinghai western indium corporation and Production safety science and technology center of Qinghai province won the second prize.

ISL established a green, efficient process flow to separate the valuable elements in the zinc smelting waste step by step on account of waste of resources and environment pollution stems from the pile up of zinc smelter waste residue.

This technology possessed the characteristics of high production efficiency, strong adaptability. The comprehensive recoveries of the valuable elements were improved significantly. The problem about the comprehensive utilization of associated mineral resources of Qaidam was solved as well, also playing a leading role in the development of circular economy, bringing remarkable economic benefits and good social benefits.

Science and technology awarding meeting of Qinghai province was held. Photo/RCL
