
Employees Meeting Was Convened by New Directors of ISL


On March 29th, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes(ISL) convene employees meeting which is hosted by secretary of the Party committee, Hu Yanming.

Representing as the new leader, Deputy director Duan Dongping made a keynote speech of "Intensifying management, making strategy,inspiring potential and seeking for development ". It has made clear in the report, Chinese Academy of Sciences has been worked on the new trail and breakthrough, strengthen the construction of scientific innovation, stimulating the growth of achievement, aiming to be the created national team of trail driving development.

Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes has passing on the culture of "The spirit of salt lakes", and developing as a professional institute with brine geochemistry, solution chemistry, chemistry and chemical engineering.
However, there are still some problems for Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes because of geographical environment, such as shortage of talented person, lesser output of scientific research and decline of dominant industry. Therefor, in the following five years, in the virtue of great attention from national leaders and Qinghai provincial leaders, we should create a series of reform and development endeavor to achieve great-leap-forward development.

The report pointed out that the new leaders faced with chances and challenges: having great responsibility of constructing scientific and technological platform, increasing the application of high-tech achievements, inspiring the creativity and team work spirit of employees, and fighting for achieving the new goal.

In addition, Duan Dongping announced the main aims and keynote works in the following five years, and wished to listen to employees' opinion to operate all kinds of reform gradually. When hosting the meeting, Hu Yanming emphasized that Duan Dongping, as the new leaders, made it clearly in his report that Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes should carry out any kind of measures in reforming and developing in the following five years. This meeting is of great concentrated attention and is a meeting of mobilization to encourage employees to accelerate development. Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes is welcoming a new key time of developing, facing a new chance, changing pressure to motivation, creating a promising future together with new leaders.

Employees attended the Meeting. Photo/RCL

Duan Dongping, deputy director of ISL, made the keynote speech. Photo/RCL
