
ISL Presided Over 973 Pre-planned Program First Time


Learned from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Science (ISL) became the responsible department of National Key basic Research and Development Program (973) pre-planned special program No.2012CB426500. The theme of program was the evolution of mineral resources and the ecological environment and relevant scientific issues. Researcher Han Fengqing from Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes was the person in charge for the program. And this is the first time ISL presided over 973 pre-planned programs.

This 973 pre-planned special program have 9 projects with a total funding of 6.8 millions, undertaken by nine universities and research institutions including Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes.

973 pre-planned special program key support basic researches that possess regional advantages and characteristics, reflects the interdisciplinary integrated. And it is the important part of National Key basic Research and Development Program. To cultivate and discover talents and nurture innovative research groups is the main target, focus on supporting great scientific significance and application prospects of basic science and cutting-edge technology. 973 pre-planned special programs have a significant impact in the technology field.

Our program got approved marked that the scientific research levels of Qinghai Institute have reached the leading domestic level.
