
The Vice-President of CAE Gan Yong Inspected ISL


On September 20th, 2012, the Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Mr. Gan Yong inspected the Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Science.

Mr. MA Haizhou, director of the Institute of Qinghai Salt Lakes, accompanied Mr. Gan Yong and his entourage visited pilot plant, Salt Lake Analysis and Test Department (SLAT), exhibition rooms and other research and display platform of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes. Mr. Gan Yong got a detailed understanding about the progress of the RE-magnesium alloy, pyrolysis magnesia and dolomite halfroasting production of chlorine oxygen magnesium cement products projects.

During the visit, Mr. Gan Yong listened to reports on the work of researchers, communicated with researchers about the research progress, production situation, industrial prospects and results of the pilot transfer and transformation.

Mr. Gan Yong fully affirmed the Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes made ??a significant contribution to the development of the local economy over the years. He spoke highly of the Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes provided the strong support for the development of the Salt Lake Industry.

(Mr. Gan Yong visiting Analytical&test Center of ISL. Photo/RCL)
