
Qinghai daily: Our Province Start Construction of Innovative Recycling Economy Industrial Cluster of Salt Lake Chemistry


On August 26, the start ceremony of construction of innovative recycling economy industrial cluster of salt lake chemistry was held in golmud, our Salt Lake City. As a national “creative industry cluster pilot (cultivate)” and one unit of the six innovative industry clusters, this do will play an important role on the construction of national cycle economic development area, promoting the innovative national construction industry cluster and cultivating national strategic emerging industry.

Qaidam experimental zone, as the first 13 national circular economy pilot projects, is currently the largest and the only area layout in Tibetan region. It is also the key area of promoting new industrialization of Qinghai province, attracted the eyes of China and even the world.

At present, it is a key period for Qaidam circular economy to a rapid development and construction into industry cluster. Secretary of Haixi, Xin Guibin said, innovative recycling economy industrial cluster of salt lake chemistry is regarded into the national "creative industry cluster cultivating" by the ministry of science and technology. This will certainly promote the high-technology, the scale of emerging industry and the transformation of the traditional advantaged industry. This is not only the good opportunity for salt lake chemistry, but the important time for the development of the Qaidam circular economy. The whole state will seize the opportunity, strive to create the salt lake chemistry into a advanced technology, highly cluster degree, and competitive comprehensive industries.
