
ISL Won the First Award for Science and Technology Progress of Qinghai Province


On April 9, 2012, provincial science and technology awarding meeting was held in the province meeting center. The outstanding scientific and technical workers were awarded for their contribution to the science and technology development of Qinghai province during 2011.The project named “the key technology and application of extraction of lithium from the salt lake of high magnesium and lithium rate “ which was shared by ISL and Qinghai lithium Ltd won the first prize. Ma Peihua, the last director of ISL, got the award of major contribution to science and technology of Qinghai 2011.

After long-term study on theory, the technology and equipment on the extraction of lithium during different optimization process stages, ISL explored a pattern named selective extraction migration, in which basic physical chemistry research mechanism was illustrated. New applying technology was gradually formed adapt to the characteristics of the Qinghai salt lakes. Eventually, the new technology was successfully applied in the national high technology industrialization demonstration project. This new method was also protected by law in the form of the national patent license.

 During the work at ISL, Ma Peihua researcher mainly engaged in extraction of salt lake resource, comprehensive utilization of resources and inorganic material research. He made a great contribution to the chemical engineering of salt lake and material science fields.

The provincial science and technology awarding meeting was held in the province meeting center. Photo/RCL

 Ma Peihua got the award of major contribution to science and technology of Qinghai 2011. Photo/RCL
