
Mr. Bai Chunli Inspected ISL


On August 17, 2011, Mr. Bai Chunli, President of CAS, inspected Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes (ISL), accompanied by Zhan Wenlong, vice President of CAS Li Ting, the chief of staff of CAS, Xie Ming, vice director of Lanzhou branch of CAS, and Xie Yuan, head of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology of Qinghai.

Mr. Bai Cunli visited the scientific research park environment, science and technology exhibition hall and reading room and graduate student apartment, analysis department, pilot plant, core laboratory, magnesium building materials lab, and the related experimental workshop, accompanied by Ma Haizhou, Director of ISL, and Hu Yanming, secretary of the CPC committee of ISL. Mr. Bai talked with researchers and exchanged ideas.

During the inspection, Bai gave a full affirmation on the great changes and scientific research achievement of the institute in the past decade. He also gave some advice and suggestions.

Bai hoped that a good morale and development trend should be maintained by ISL; more basic and original research work should be strengthened. More independent intellectual property rights also should be needed. More talents will be attracted and cultivated under good scientific environment and conditions. New contribution can be made to local economic and social development.

On the same day, in science and technology exhibition hall, Bai Chunli captioned for ISL: “Lead science and technology of salt lake, promote the development of western China”.

Mr. Bai visit the campus of ISL. Photo/General Office
