
ISL Develop Sound Coordination With CITIC Guoan Group


On May 10, general manager of CITIC Guoan Group Sun Yalei and the party of 8 people come the Qinghai institute of salt lakes to inspect and to discuss the strategic cooperation matters concerned, both sides had a friendly comprehensive cooperation talks. 

ISL Director MA Haizhou expressed welcome to the Director of CITIC Guoan Group leaders visit. He pointed out that the ISL has many years of research experiment in the Western Taiwan salt lake、the foundation of work and some of research accumulation. He said that in accordance with the requirements of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ISL will undertake a comprehensive strategic cooperation with CITIC Guoan Group positively , and vigorously provide technical support to contribute to the development of salt lake resources.he stressed that in the future bilateral cooperation, the Qinghai Institute Salt Lake will take the salt lake resources integrated development and sustainable utility as develop goals, transfers various aspects strength, widely develops on lithium, magnesium, potassium, boron resources highly effective, comprehensive development and resources mining research works. 

Both sides hope through the cooperation, impels the entire Chaerhan area salt lake resources comprehensive development and the sustainable utility, also provides the scientific basis for the saline lake peripheral ecological environment protection, the saline lake resources comprehensive utilization and the sustainable development to our country other saline lake resources development.
