
Qinghai Provincial Government Delegation Visit Chile SQM Company


Recently, Qinghai Province Deputy Governor Yunlong Gao leads the Qinghai provincial government delegation went to Peru, Chile and Brazil for a friendly visit, ISL’s scientific research administrative office Assistant Deputy Office Chief Researcher Yuan Zhou attend entire journey participates in this visit. 

In Chile period, the delegation accept an invitation of the world's major potassium nitrate, iodine and lithium salt products and chemicals maker - Chemical Mining Co. of Chile (SQM),to go to visit it’s located at Chile the capital San Diego's Base company and it in the Cull Mongolia saline lake lithium factory , both sides develop topic deliberation exchange on the saline lake resources comprehensive development 、the saline lake environment and the resources conservation, also expressed the cooperation sincere desire in the saline lake resource development and the protection. 

The Qinghai provincial government delegation visit to SQM Corporation, increase with the mutual understanding, develop the field of vision, promote the friendship,it establish solid foundations for strengthen Qinghai Province and the SQM Corporation relate to dependence field.
