
Australian and New Zealand Doctors visit ISL


Drs. Jan-Hendrik May, from University of Wollongong ,Australia, Simon Aiken, from University of Auckland, New Zealand, together with Ma Yuanxu ,from institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research ,CAS paid a visit to ISL lasted from 30th October to 11st November at the invitation of Research Prof. Lai Zhongping.

Drs. Jan-Hendrik May, Simon Aiken, Ma Yuanxu respectively gave three lectures, titled (1)Reconstructing late Quaternary paleaoenvironments from fluvial and alluvial records,(2) Stream Flow and Climate Linkages,(3) Controls on River Diversity in the Sanjiangyuan Region.

In his report, Jan-Hendrik May introduced a series of work of reconstructing late Quaternary paleaoenvironments from fluvial and alluvial records in South America. Dr Aikenshared his work on rivers and climate of New Zealand.

Dr Ma yuanxu introduced the achievement of study on geomorphology of sanjiangyuan region and interpreted the theory of controls on river diversity.The audience includes some research staffs and students of ISL, and postgraduates from Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, CAS and Qinghai Normal University (QHNU).

The visitors and some members of Prof, Lai's research group made a joint investigation at Qinghai Lake and hazards and landslide of Yellow River terraces from 1st to 6th November.
