
MOST Vice Minister Cao Jianlin Stresses In-depth Sino-Laotian Technological Cooperation and Exploration of New Fields of Strategic Resources at the Laotian Potash Facilities


On April 4, Vice Minister Cao Jianlin of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) inspected the plant site of Sino-Laotian Minerals and Potash Co. Ltd (CLMP), a subsidiary of Yuntianhua Group Inc., in the company of Vice Minister Maydon Chanthanasin of Laos Ministry of Science and Technology, Vice President Wang Xueding of Lanzhou Branch of CAS, ISL Director Ma Haizhou, ISL Vice Director Chen Yunfa, and President & CEO Tian Jingfeng of CLMP.

Cao Jianlin remarked that China, in spite of its competitiveness in technology and capital, is facing the issue of insufficient natural resources with rapid development of its economy. International cooperation should be on the basis of complementary advantages and mutual benefits. Our research institutions should promote technical collaborations with our neighboring countries, assisting them to boost their technology and economy. He stressed that the technological cooperation between Laos and China shall be conducted with special emphasis on environmental and ecological protection and on the basis of Laotian national situations and the requests of the Laotian government, with sufficient exertion of our technological and economical advantages. The undertaking shall promote rapid developments of S&T collaborations between Laos and China, hence contributing significantly to the development of new strategic resources for our country.

Cao commended that ISLCAS has taken substantial efforts in technical collaborations with Laos with encouraging developments, which has formed a solid basis for further promoted cooperation. He hopes that ISL will build and operate this project carefully in a rigorous and scientific manner so as to produce a paradigm for Sino-Laotian technological cooperation. He added that MOST will give further support to ISL's endeavors.

Vice Minister Maydon Chanthanasin expressed that Laos has abundant potassium resources, and Sino-Laotian cooperation is of great importance to Laos. Maydon stressed that the development of Laotian potassium resources must attach sufficient importance to environmental and ecological protection, taking into consideration the natural conditions and social environment, as well as the resources features of the country. He hopes that ISL and CLMP will promote their collaborations and build the project as a paragon for Sino-Laotian technological cooperation. He sincerely anticipate the perfect fulfillment of the project.

Production facilities of CLMP for 650,000 tpa carnallite and 50,000 tpa potassium chloride at Vientiane are undergoing speedy construction. During the inspection, CLMP President & CEO Tian Jingfeng elucidated the progress of the project and the cooperation between CLMP and ISL. ISL Director Ma Haizhou elaborated on Laotian potassium resources and our role of technical support in the project. At times, Vice Minister Cao asked about the project and discussed with other people in the group.

During the inspection, Cao Jianlin showed special interest in ISL's prototype house built with magnesium cement, and learned about the development and application of Laotian magnesium resources. Cao desires that ISL constructively promote collaborations with domestic companies in the development of magnesium cement products aiming at boosting the utilization of Laotian magnesium resources and the comprehensive utilization of Laotian salt and mineral deposits.
