
ISL Geochemistry and Core specimen laboratory building verified for acceptance


Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes held the meeting of ISL Geochemistry and Core specimen laboratory building finally acceptance on October 26, 2010. It’s conforms that the laboratory building was accepted the country's approval standard of quality and they unanimous checked and accepted through carefully field surveyed of the commission.

This project is the Knowledgeable Innovation Project of ISL’s three science infrastructure projects. Science knowledge and innovation infrastructure is an important part of the project which to achieve technological innovation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to build capacity to improve scientific and technological innovation and subject to service in science and technology innovation base, optimization of technological layout, bring the need for technological innovation, according to the principle of "service needs, focuses, open sharing, improve the efficiency", provides a solid material foundation and technical support to fully completed Qinghai Salt Lake Phase III knowledge innovation project tasks and implementation of the "Innovation 2020".

(ISL Geochemistry and Core specimen laboratory building. Photo by Tech. Indus. Office)
