
Lai Zhongping Appointed Deputy Chief Editor of Quaternary Research


Prof. Allen Gillespie, chief editor of Quaternary Research, SCI, sent a letter to invite ISL research of CAS LAI Zhongping to take up the post of deputy chief editor of this journal on August 1st.

Quaternary Research started publication in 1970, and now is published by Elsevier. It is one of the most important academic publications which make studies on the internationally quaternary-period environmental changes, whose impact factor is 2.7.

That  Lai Zhongping was appointed deputy chief editor of this journal not only concerned his academic levels and influence on the international academic world, but also had a close relation with the international status of China’s research on quaternary-period environmental changes.

Through great efforts of scientists of several generations, China plays a major role in the international academic world in this area. Accredited as the father of loess, academician LIU Dongsheng, the inaugurator of China’s researches on quaternary-period environmental changes, won Tyler prize for environmental achievement in 2002. This is the highest award in the international academic world in the area of environment, and also the highest prize on science that a Chinese Mainland scholar has ever won.
