US Professor Gary Hemming of Queens College, City University of New York, and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University visited ISL and lectured at a seminar on May 14, 2010, at the invitation of Research Prof. XIAO Yingkai.
(Prof. Gary Hemming presenting his study) |
Prof. Gary Hemming gave a presentation titled The Development and Application of Boron Isotope Paleo-pH Proxy, with vivid images and convincing data, unfolding the application of boron isotopes to the reconstruction of palaeoceanographic pH. The seminar was moderated by Research Prof. HAN Fengqing and interpreted by Research Prof. LAI Zhongping.
Prof. Gary Hemming authored 24 papers in some leading journals such as Science, Nature, PAGES News, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, which have been cited over 900 times.
Prof. Gary Hemming will conduct a field study in cooperation with Prof. XIAO Yingkai's study group in the drainage basin of Qinghai Lake and Chaka Lake after the seminar.