
CAS Vice President Ding Zhongli Visits Laos and ISL's Lao Based Project


(Prime Minister of Laos Bouasone Bouphavanh meets with CAS Vice President DING Zhongli)

A delegation, led by CAS Vice President DING Zhongli, visited Laos and made a survey on the society, economics, resources and environment of Laos, January 12th through 15th. Bouasone Bouphavanh, prime minister of Laos, and Bountiem Phisamay, minister of the Prime Minister's Office and president of Science, Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), met with them in turn. They discussed on science and technology (S&T) cooperation between STEA and CAS.

Bouasone Bouphavanh expressed that China and Laos are friendly neighbors, with strong potential in S&T cooperation. He hopes cooperation can be established in a number of fields including agriculture, ecological and environmental protection, exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, and research administration. The country desires support and assistance from CAS.

(ISL Director MA Haizhou explaining the status of the project toCAS Vice President DING Zhongli)

Ding Zhongli commented that Laos has apparent featured resources with great advantage and strong need for S&T development. CAS will endeavor to boost bilateral cooperation particularly in agriculture, ecology, environment, and resources. CAS proposed the establishment of the CAS–STEA Resources and Environment Research Demonstration Center, to boost the social and economic developments of Laos. 

Both parties negotiated on the details of collaboration in a number of fields. STEA agreed with the establishment of the demonstration center. The center will be a platform for integrating research resources and expertise from CAS institutes to conduct extensive and in-depth cooperative projects. Studies will cover highly efficient eco-agriculture, environment and biodiversity protection, exploration and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, water resources conservation and utilization, strategy and planning of tourism, etc. Meanwhile, CAS will help Laos to foster a strong team of research, development and measurements, through the operation of its international training program.

The delegation also visited the site of the 650,000 tpa Carnallite Mining and 50,000 tpa Potassium Chloride Production Project, undertaken by China-Laos Minerals Development and Investment Corporation (CLMDI). The project aims at exploiting Lao potash resources based on ISL's key processing technologies. It is another important cooperative project of ISL, which involves the institute's active participation in extensive collaboration with China Yuntianhua Group. ISL has input RMB 29.1 million into the project in the form of technical investment, by which ISL holds 8.47% of CLMDI's shares. The project was initiated in late 2008 and expected to be completed and its plant commissioned in late 2010.

(CAS Vice President DING Zhongli giving instructions at the plant site)

Later, the delegation visited the exploration project of Kaiyuan Group Inc., situated at Thakhek, Laos. Ding consulted ISL scientists who are rendering service at the site. He explained the latest technology and studies in relative geological fields and encouraged ISL people to carry out deeper studies based on these.

ISL Director MA Haizhou gave a presentation on the status of the projects undertaken by the companies in collaboration with ISL during the visit. Ding acknowledged ISL's endeavors in its cooperation with various enterprises oriented for national strategic needs, based on its own expertise and innovation. He appreciated the progress made in the process. Besides, he requested ISL to make sure the projects are executed successfully, which shall serve as a demonstration of China-Laos S&T cooperation. CAS will give consolidated support to the ISL projects.




