
Prof. Lai Zhongping Appointed Associate Editor of Aeolian Research


Prof. Lai Zhongping was appointed associate editor of the newly established journal Aeolian Research lately, invited by its editor-in-chief Prof. J. Lee, USA.

Aeolian Research was founded in 2009. It is the official journal of the International Society for Aeolian Research, published by the well-known international publisher Elsevier, and expected to gain an impact factor eligible of being SCI-indexed. Its scope includes: fundamental Aeolian processes, including sand and dust entrainment, transport and deposition of sediments; Modeling and field studies of Aeolian processes; Aeolian landforms, geomorphology and paleoenvironments, etc.

Elsevier sent the Agreement of Appointment to Prof. Lai on December 21, 2009. He signed and became an associate editor of the journal. The job consists of securing quality manuscript sources, finding eligible reviewers and formulating acceptance or rejection for the journal. Meanwhile, Prof. Lai will have access to various resources on the ScienceDirect and Scopus websites. Prof. Lai's PhD supervisor Prof. D.S.G. Thomas was also appointed associate editor of the journal.

Prof. Lai was also appointed member of the editorial board of the SCI-indexed Geochronology in 2008.




