15th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena and Related Equilibrium Processes Conference Grand Opening


On the morning of July 23, 2012, the 15th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena and Related Equilibrium Processes Conference was grand opening at the Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake, Chinese Academy of Science. Heinz Gamsj?ger,the representatives of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, M.Clara Magalh?es, the representatives of Subcommittee on Solubility and Equilibrium Data, Gao Yunlong, the vice governor of Qinghai province, and Ma Haizhou, the director of Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes attended the meeting.

The conference was presided by researcher Zeng Dewen, who is from the Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake. It is known that this international conference was the first time held in China for past 30 years. This time held in China has great significance on promotion of Chinese scholars’ researches in the solubility phenomenon fields, to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the solubility phenomenon top experts in the world, and especially means a lot for long-term studies of salt lake solubility phenomenon in Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake.

The organizer of the 15th ISSP conference was International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), undertaken division was the Subcommittee on Solubility and Equilibrium Data (SSED). This conference was held every two years. Mainly gathered top experts and scholars from all over the world, they introduced and exchanged their works and scientific research at the field of solubility phenomena.

The conference time is from July 23 to 27, participates are 120 people, and the foreigner participates are more than 50 people. The foreigners are mainly from the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia, Russia, Italy, Portugal, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, and India more than 20 countries and regions.

On the conference opening ceremony, Gao Yunlong hope, through this meeting, participates can expended and deepen mutual connection and provide guidance on the development of salt lake resource. Prof. Heinz Gamsj?ger and Prof. M.Clara Magalh?es made speech about their institute. Mr. Ma Haizhou introduced ISL to all and said the scholars in Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake have already made numerous contributions to rich world solubility data repositories.

The convening of the conference will be able to promote academic exchanges between salt lake chemistry and international peers. And provide a chance to learn advanced theoretical research and forward-thinking in experimental and thermodynamic model. By discussion salt lake equilibrium processes can make a contribution to comprehensive utilization of resources for our salt lake.

Participants from different countries and regions. Photo/RCL


