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    Graphite Thermal Ion Emission Characteristics and Its Applications
    Update time: 2019-07-10
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    Graphite Thermal Ion Emission Characteristics and Its Applications (ISBN: ISBN 7-03-011430-2), authored by Prof. Yingkai Xiao and funded by National Natural Science Foundation, was published in July 2003 by the Science Press.

     The book systematically discusses the non-reductive graphite thermal ionic emission characteristics and the use of these characteristics to establish the accuracy of the boron, chlorine, bromine, oxygen, nitrogen isotope mass spectrometry methods, and their isotopes of these elements in chemistry and earth chemical study of the introduction and progress. The book is delivered into eight chapters: Chapter 1 briefly describes the basic characteristics of graphite, including its physical and chemical properties, crystal structure and speciation; Chapter 2 briefly describes the fundamental theory of thermal ionization, including thermal ionization ion sources, positive and negative thermal ionizations, and the sample-coating technology; Chapter 3 deals with the fundamentals of graphite reductive thermal ionic emission, the sample-coating technology, and its application on the isotopic determination of a number of elements; Chapters 4~8 are the focus of this book,  with non-reductive graphite thermal ionic emission characteristics, the measurements of nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in borates, chlorates, bromates and nitrates, and their application and progress in isotopic chemical and geochemical studies systematically elaborated.

    Graphite Thermal Ion Emission Characteristics and Its Applications is the pioneer publication in its field, the most prominent feature of which is the book was written based on the extensive research work conducted by the author and his study group. Most of the work was financially supported by NSFC.


    Copyright © 1997-, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences