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ISL Organized the 25th “Salt Lake Science and Technology Forum and the 14th Academic Salon of Group of Youth Innovation Promotion Association
Update time: 2017-10-16
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On October 12th,ISL organized the 25th “Salt Lake Science and Technology Forum” and the 14th Academic Salon of Group of Youth Innovation Promotion Association in the Conference Room on the sixth floor of ISL. Prof. Tang Chun'an, from Dalian University of Technology, came to Qinghai Salt Lake Institute for academic exchanges and gave a academic reports. The forum was chaired by Professor Wang Jianping, a researcher the Key Laboratory of Salt Lake Geology and Environment of Qinghai Province..

On the afternoon of the 12th, Prof. Tang Chun’an gave an academic report titled "Earth Cracking - Based on Geomechanics Thinking" in the conference room on the sixth floor. Professor Tang Chun'an first described the principle of cracking. He believed that cracking was effective across scales. Cracking theory can be applied from microscopic biological scales to mudballs played by children and to planetary scales. Afterwards, Prof. Tang Chunan described the new hypothesis of earth evolution driven by the Earth's own thermal balance based on the basic principles of thermodynamics, physics, and mechanics. He established the heat balance equation of the Earth system, expounded the basic laws of the cyclical cold and thermal changes of the earth caused by changes in the thermal equilibrium, and discussed the main geological events during the evolution of the Earth (including the formation and cracking of supercontinent, continental drift and collision, Volcanic eruptions and basalt overflow, biological extinction, glacial growth and ablation, and global warming, and other series of major geological events related to each other gave a systematic new explanation. Professor Tang believed that thermal imbalance was the real driving force for the evolution of the Earth, and the cyclical change in temperature is the driving force of Darwinian evolution. Prof. Tang also published papers related to the content of this academic report on Frontier Science (2015, Earth Cracking) and Geological Journal (2016, The Earth evolution as a thermal system)..





Professor Tang gave a report.


On the meeting.















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