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The Survey of Xinjiang Salt Lakes which is supported by the MOST Foundation Project "Survey of Chinese Salt Lake Resources Change” was completed by ISL
Update time: 2015-12-09
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Early October to early December, two groups of key members of the team which is responsible for the MOST Foundation Project "Survey of Chinese Salt Lake Resources Change” carried out field survey and sampling work in Xinjiang Salt Lakes. One group carried out works in the National Nature Reserve in Xinjiang Altun Mountain from Oct. 26 to Nov. 6. The other group carried out works in the southern and northern Xinjiang expect for Hotan and western Kunlun Mountains from Oct. 9 to Dec. 2, focusing on the salt lake resources in Hami, Turpan, Urumqi, Changji, Altay, Karamay, Bazhou, Aksu.

According to the field survey, there are more than 110 Salt Lakes in Xinjiang and its distribution can be divided into several important areas including Salt Lakes surrounding the Junggar Basin, Salt Lakes in East Tianshan Mountains, Salt Lakes in Turpan-Hami Basin, Salt Lakes surrounding Tarim Basin. Most of the salt lakes are the playa; only a small part of the lake has brine.

Rock salt, Glauber's salt, potassium is the main sources in the development and utilization of salt lake resources. At present, there are 17 salt lakes which have been developed.

The investigation lasted nearly two months with a total of 26,000 km and successfully completed the survey works of 70 salt lakes. It laid the foundation for the dynamic changes and the development state of the salt lake resources and the environmental evolution. The accomplishment of this investigation means the entire field survey work planned in the MOST Foundation Project “Survey of Chinese Salt Lake Resources Change” was completed.

Copyright © 1997-2025, Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences